
On this page we will try to publish information about interesting destinations in Palawan. Our hope is that everyone should be able to find a suitable destination by browsing this site but we realize that the site due to our travel habits likely will come to have a preference towards tropical and city destinations. The website will likely be most informative if you share these travel preferences.

Although we off course want to encourage you to use sites like this one to help plan your perfect vacation will also want to urge you to remember not to over plan the vacation and to make sure you have some time to just explore what else the destination has to offer. This is often the best way to get unique experiences and to discover new hidden gems. It is also a good way to make sure that the vacation doesn’t turn into work in itself which easily happen when one try too see or do as much as possible. Remember a vacation should not only offer new experiences, they should also allow you to relax and rebuild energy. Otherwise you might just return from you vacation more tired than when you left.

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